Jeanne & Josh Rubin
Co-founders of EastWest Healing


Specialties: Thyroid, Adrenal, Nervous System, and Metabolic Health


jeannejosh_lakesanmarcos-1Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Jeanne Rubin, is co-founder of EastWest Healing and my former personal nutritionist.

I worked with Jeanne to get support in repairing my thyroid and adrenals during a time of intense stress and I've since referred many clients to Jeanne with wonderful results.

Josh and Jeanne have taken the concept of “food as medicine” to a whole new level.

As pioneers in the area of restoring metabolic health, Josh and Jeanne are revolutionizing nutrition for thyroid health by teaching people how to use food as supplementation to reduce stress and build the most sound foundation for the body to heal.

Having spent many years educating people on “healthy” food choices, it was clear there was an enormous spectrum by which food affected one person vs. another. An observation Josh and Jeanne could not ignore and a question so many people often ask, “Why does one thing work for one person and not another?”

Digging deeper into the effects of food on human physiology and the work of endocrinology and physiology, masterminds such as Ray Peat, Constance Martin, Dr. John Lee, Hans Selye and a handful of others, Josh and Jeanne began to recognize the health of the metabolism and the different effects the environment can have on two different, yet similar beings.

Underlying these differences are genetics, life experiences, nutrition, lifestyle habits, and the effects of stress on the nervous system. This is “the story”. And underlying this story, working very hard to maintain perfect health, is the living cell.

Josh and Jeanne have built a business foundation rooted in the science of Human Physiology, which emphasizes the following principles:

1) The human being is a dynamic unit of function

2) The body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms that are self-healing in nature

3) Structure and function are interrelated at all levels

4) Rational treatment is based on these principles.

Influenced by their passion and belief in the wholeness of the human body, Josh and Jeanne began shifting their focus to the function of the living cell. “For us to understand disease we must first understand the living cell.”- Dr. Bieber

The role of thyroid hormone in every single cell in the body signifies the importance of having a healthy, functioning thyroid. Inspired by the work of Dr. Broda Barnes, Josh and Jeanne developed a very effective and comprehensive approach to creating the perfect nutritional foundation aimed at restoring energy metabolism.

Using food as supplementation, they have transformed the lives of hundreds of people around the world by working with them to create the perfect nutrition plan.

They do not believe in fixing or suppressing symptoms, but do believe when you provide the body adequate resources to meet the demands of that individual body, the intelligence of the human body takes over and healing unfolds.

They also believe the greatest defense one has against the ever-changing environment is the health of the metabolism. When the metabolism is strong and the thyroid is functioning, all systems are working in synergy, just as they are meant to.

Josh and Jeanne are teaching people how to use food to resource their body in new ways, which in turn is building a bridge for complete mind, body, and spirit growth and transformation.

See my interview with them and their work here, or visit their website to learn more or to book a free 15-minute consultation:

Marc Sklar
Founder of Reproductive Wellness


Specialties: Fertility and Pregnancy



Marc is my go-to referral person for fertility and pregnancy. He’s a skilled and gifted functional acupuncturist with 15 years experience helping couples struggling to conceive.

What I love most about Marc is that he has a penchant for root cause healing and using food as medicine. We met when my practice took its fertility detour 4 years ago. He and I teamed up on many cases with great success, meaning we combined our collective knowledge and skill sets and were able to help women get pregnant faster. It was such a rewarding alliance.

If you are looking for an intelligent, compassionate, and focused practitioner to help you and your partner prepare for pregnancy, overcome fertility issues, or guide you through the prenatal process, he’s your guy.

In addition to his Masters degree, Marc trained at the Harvard Medical School, Mind/Body Medical Institute. He is also co-author of Secret to Conception.

There are several ways to work with Marc on your hormones and fertility. He offers one-on-one work in person and via Skype worldwide, as well as a DIY 6-week online fertility school. Click HERE to explore your options.